
Narratives, personal essays, and other works by intersex people.

Mani’s Annual Birthday Post: Ashes to Ashes, A Call for a New Paradigm

March 10th, 2015|

For the last few years I have written a piece for AIC reflecting on my birthday and I want to do the same this year. It’s hard to know where to start. I come to this birthday with a heavy heart as my long-time colleague and fellow intersex activist Sally Gross will not join me

AIC Guest Blog | Kitty Anderson, Intersex Iceland

October 27th, 2014|

Yesterday was Intersex Awareness Day. AIC teamed up with Kitty Anderson, Chair of Intersex Iceland, to create a post in which Kitty shares their story of how a small group of people can change the world! Before Intersex Iceland, little else was known besides that one surgery a year was performed to determine an intersex

Turning the Lens Inward: Sean Saifa Wall

October 15th, 2014|

AIC’s Blog Series, “Turning the Lens Inward,” features interviews with some of the key leaders and supporters who have helped make AIC the strong organization we are today! The third installment comes from AIC’s Board President, Sean Saifa Wall, and gives readers a glimpse of what Saifa believes are some of the intersex communities biggest

Turning the Lens Inward: Kimberly Zieselman

September 9th, 2014|

AIC’s Blog Series, “Turning the Lens Inward,” features interviews with some of the key leaders and supporters who have helped make AIC the strong organization we are today! The second installment comes from AIC’s new Executive Director, Kimberly Zieselman. —— At the end of my first day as AIC’s executive director a friend playfully asked

Turning the Lens Inward: Meg

August 20th, 2014|

AIC is proud to share the second in a series of interviews with key leaders and supporters who have helped make AIC the strong organization we are today! Meg, one of our key supporters, shares part of her journey as the next story in AIC’s series, Turning the Lens Inward.   I first heard about

“Love is the Best Medicine”: Why I am Proud of my Intersex Family

July 1st, 2014|

Earlier this month (6/1/14) Arlene Baratz, AIC Board member, spoke at Sunnyhill Unitarian Universalist Church (Pittsburgh, PA) and gave an inspiring speech raising intersex awareness in honor of Pride month. Read to uncover Arlene’s personal journey with intersex as she describes what it was like to complete medical school and the surprise she had

The Journey My Mother Missed

May 8th, 2014|

Like so many others I encountered this past Easter Sunday, I took time out of my celebration to visit my mother’s grave and to take some of my spring rose garden’s first blooms to honor her and remind myself of the promise of Easter. In my faith, this holiday reminds me that there is life

Birthday story by Mani Bruce Mitchell

March 4th, 2014|

Mani Bruce Mitchell, AIC Board Member and Executive Director of Intersex Trust Aotearoa New Zealand (ITANZ) Mani Bruce Mitchell and father Mani Bruce Mitchell and mother                                   A few weeks ago I was


February 20th, 2014|

I tore off the first index finger of my right hand whilst hurtling down hill on a mountain bike years ago. I was in Surrey at the time. Well, I was in a pickle, truth be known.   I used to ride hard in those days, and hold the ‘bars like Kenny Roberts: first index

Sometimes Today Is The Day It Gets Better by Linda Anfuso

December 23rd, 2013|

Some days the struggle for acceptance and understanding as an intersex person can seem overwhelming.   For the past thirty years my husband and I have traveled to schools throughout the US and the UK, with enrichment presentations about Diversity. I am intersex, and a lesbian, and he is gay. We are lovingly married to

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