The interACT Board

Co-President | Niki Khanna, MA, MFT (she/her)
San Francisco, CA
Niki Khanna is a psychotherapist and educator in the San Francisco Bay Area, Her focus is working within the Queer, Trans and Intersex communities. She is also a certified Sexual Health Educator and has spent over 20 years working in Sex Education, Sexual Assault and Rape Prevention Education as well as Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Education. She identifies as a Femme, Intersex, and POC. She is passionate about finding ways to use the skills she has developed to contribute to the Intersex community. She provides workshops and mental health support to the AIS-DSD Support Group/ InterConnect. Before joining the board, she also provided mental health consultation to interAct. Her current projects are developing practical training modules for mental health providers working with intersex clients and their families and writing/editing a chapter focused on Intersex for a forthcoming textbook on trauma within the LGBTIAQ+ communities.

Co-President | Catherine Clune-Taylor, PhD (she/her)
San Diego, CA
Catherine Clune-Taylor is a feminist scientist and technology studies scholar. She was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Women’s Studies at San Diego State University. Catherine initially planned to go to medical school, receiving a Bachelor of Medical Science in Immunology and Microbiology from The University of Western Ontario. However, a chance encounter work by feminist science scholars and bioethicists on the management of intersex conditions in children eventually led her to follow a different trajectory. After earning her PhD in Philosophy at the University of Alberta with a dissertation studying the science, ethics, and politics underwriting the treatment of intersex children under the “disorders of sex development” treatment model, Catherine held a Postdoctoral Research Associate position in the Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies at Princeton University from 2016-2019. She teaches intersectional feminist courses on sex, gender, sexuality, medicine, science, and technology studies to undergraduates.
Clune-Taylor has published articles on intersex management in PhaenEx: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture, and Hypatia, as well as articles in the American Journal of Public Health. She is currently working on a book examing the biopolitical management of gender in the present, focusing specifically on medical, bureaucratic, legal, and political efforts – including intersex management – to secure what she calls “cisgendered futures,” referring to an abstract trajectory of development across the lifespan in which multiple sex and gender variables remain in “coherent” alignment. In 2018/2019 she served as president for the Canadian Society of Women in Philosophy (CSWIP). She is honored to join the board of interACT as of January 2020.