UPDATE: Since the time this article was written on March 1, 2016 Gov. Dennis Daugaard vetoed the bill that would have made South Dakota the first state. to approve a law requiring transgender students to use restrooms and locker rooms that match their birth sex.

Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard had an initial positive reaction to the bill, but rejected House Bill 1008 after many social justice groups and human rights advocates voiced opposition and declared it was discriminatory.

Original Article

interACT has sent a direct response to South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard urging him to veto House Bill 1008.  The South Dakota State Senate sent the bill to the Governor on Tuesday February 18th. Upon signing, the legislation would enable discrimination against transgender students in public schools and become the United States first anti-trans “papers to pee” law. interACT is in strict opposition to the bill and used the letter to Gov. Daugaard to clarify a number of crucial points about the bill’s impact.

interACT Executive Director, Kimberly Zieselman shared her thoughts on the two bills filed in Texas by Rep. Debbie Riddle in 2015 making it a crime for transgender (and many intersex) people to use a public bathroom.

It is important that the intersex community stand together in solidarity with the transgender community and voice our opposition of this bill. We have a chance to persuade Governor Daugaard to veto the bill, but we must act quickly as he has less 5 days to veto the bill.  Sending a written letter is ideal, but any form of communication will be helpful.

You can email letters or written comments to: [email protected]
or leave a voice message at: 605-773-3212.

Feel free to share with us any written communication you send to the Governor by emailing [email protected].