We need your help!

Join us in the fight for intersex rights.

Maybe your friend retweeted us, or you heard about us on Buzzfeed or in Teen Vogue. Maybe you read about the impacts of anti-LGBTQIA legislation on intersex people. Maybe someone you care about is intersex. Maybe you’re intersex yourself! However you made it here, we are so glad you found us.

Stay in the loop! Get updates on fights, wins, and how you can help. Sign up for our mailing list below.

Are you an intersex person between the ages of 13-29? You may sign up for our intersex support group InterSpace and get connected to our Advocacy Program. We now run on Discord!

How can YOU help?

Educate Yourself

What is intersex?

Intersex FAQs

How are intersex people harmed by anti-LGBTQ legislation?

Read More

Ally Do’s and Don’ts


Read intersex youth stories

Read More

Educate Your Community

Tell your friends, teachers, LGBTQIA and other community organizations.

Intersex 101 One-Pager

Talk to your friends and family. Share info with organizations, at school clubs and rallies.

What We Wish Our Teachers Knew

Talk to teachers or administrators at your school or college.

Supporting Intersex Employees

Share information with your workplace.

How to talk about Intersex on Social Media

Become an advocate on TikTok, IG or wherever you can reach people!

How To Organize an End Intersex Surgery Protest


Contact your local LGBTQ center to ask if they offer intersex resources.


Set up an intersex table at Pride


Give an Intersex 101 presentation within your organization


Are you intersex? Tell your story!

  • Join interACT. If you are an intersex person between 13-29, you can join our support group InterSpace and our Advocacy Program. You can join without coming out or being public.
  • Come out as intersex. Coming out is a big deal! Here’s what one intersex person wishes they’d known first. Read here.
  • Tell your story. You can speak up on social media, or express yourself through art or writing. Add #intersex to find your people.
  • Talk to journalists and media. Read our guide!

Tell Doctors this isn’t okay

U.S. hospitals lack clear policies for delaying intersex surgeries and allowing for individual consent. This is against the recommendations of most international human rights organizations. Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, Boston Children’s Hospital and New York City Health and Hospitals system are the only places with protective policies. Still, hospitals like Lurie’s have dangerous exceptions for certain intersex variations.

How to find our practices of hospitals in your area


Contact your local LGBTQ+ medical clinic and ask if they have intersex resources.

LGBTQ medical clinics by state

Responding to pro-surgery arguments


Tell your legislators to stand up for intersex rights

How to find and contact your legislator


Share ideas for intersex-affirming bills

Advocacy Toolkit

Talk about intersex impacts under anti-trans bills.

Learn More

Speak out against harmful anti-LGBTQ bills that impact intersex people.

Send faxes, emails, texts, and phone calls. Join a town hall meeting and submit public testimony.
Lobbying Tips

Inspired to take action for intersex rights?

Join interACT’s interCircle and join a monthly giving community dedicated to a world where intersex people flourish.