interACT Media

interACT Media works to respectfully include the voices of intersex people in various media to raise awareness about intersex issues. We consult on various projects, providing expertise, information and real intersex stories.

Media Guide:
Covering the Intersex Community

Our media guide is a great resource for members of the media looking to cover an intersex topic or issue.

interACT in the Media

Blade speaks with senior State Department advisor Kimberly Zieselman and covers the first-ever Intersex Awareness Day resolution.

There is particularly scant data about intersex people, those born with physical traits that don’t fit typical definitions for male or female.

When Sean Saifa Wall was 13, a doctor recommended to his mother that Wall’s male-typical genitals be removed and that he begin feminizing hormone therapy.

If a state wants to limit who can use a women’s restroom or play on a women’s sports team, lawmakers first have to narrowly define what it means to be a woman or a man.

Exemptions for intersex surgery allow doctors to assign minors who are born with secondary sex characteristics as “male” or “female,” reinforcing rigid gender ideals and heterosexuality, experts say.

HB 470 interferes with the relationship between young people and their caretakers at every level.

Sam Sharpe and Koomah are featured in this piece about their experiences with intersex surgeries and the threat of anti-trans bills.

X gender markers save lives. But many state agencies still don’t offer them.

I am asking, as a native Tennessean, transgender man, and a public health scientist: do not let the state overreach, dismiss the voices of Tennesseans, and determine our lives.

In this op-ed, researcher and activist Courtney Skaggs argues for intersex harm reparations.

Bills seeking to bar gender-affirming care for trans youth often contain provisions allowing surgery on intersex newborns, critics say.

“Normalizing” infants’ and children’s genital appearance to match a sex assigned in early age isn’t medically necessary and can negatively impact quality of life. This video includes our former Legal Director Alesdair Ittelson talking with featured advocate Sean Safia Wall.

Image of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra.

Here’s how Biden is fighting to strengthen healthcare protections for LGBTQ2S+ Americans

“People will once again be protected from discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity and sex traits,” said Maddie Moran, a spokesperson for the intersex advocacy organization interACT, in an emailed statement.

Image of Erika Lorshbough, interACT executive director against the interACT logo.

 InterACT hails HHS intersex rule proposal for ACA

It was an announcement Maddie Moran, and countless others like them, had waited a long time to hear. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced a proposed rule last week making clear that, among the Affordable Care Act’s various non-discrimination protections, discrimination against intersex people within federally funded programs is forbidden.

Intersex youths are also hurt by anti-trans laws, advocates say

Intersex youth are also hurt by anti-trans laws, advocates say

As queer & trans kids are targeted by state legislation that bars access to gender-affirming healthcare, intersex kids are impacted too, and suffer the ramifications of gender stereotypes and gender-checking that those bills produce. Our own Bria Brown-King is featured in this coverage alongside Kristina and Ori Turner.

Biden smiles at a podium in front of two American flags.

As Pride month closes, LGBTQ+ advocates are split on whether Biden is doing enough to protect the community

For more than a year, as more than 300 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced into state legislatures and eight states have signed anti-LGBTQ bills into law, LGBTQ+ advocates have been waiting on President Joe Biden.

A guide to the words we use in our gender coverage

Intersex applies to people born with the reproductive or sexual anatomy and/or chromosomes that don’t fit into traditional conceptions of male or female bodies. As InterAct notes, there are a number of naturally occurring intersex variations, some that are identified at birth and others that may be discovered at puberty or later in life.

The AMA says 'male' and 'female' sex labels should be removed from birth certificates

The AMA says ‘male’ and ‘female’ sex labels should be removed from birth certificates

The American Medical Association recommends the removal of sex labels on birth certificates in order to recognize the broad spectrum of both gender identity and sex. While a step in the right direction, Kimberly Zieselman points out that it still falls short of the goals that the intersex community has consistently been lobbying for and is just the beginning.

What Does It Mean to Be Intersex?

What Does It Mean to Be Intersex?

In addition to education on the serious challenges that intersex people face, Bria Brown-King—interACT’s Director of Engagement—reminds intersex allies to always “Ask [their intersex loved ones]  what they need to feel supported… Love and support go a long way.”

Will the Olympics ever truly welcome nonbinary athletes?

Will the Olympics ever truly welcome nonbinary athletes?

interACT’s Director of Engagement Bria Brown-King shares the alienating experience of being an intersex athlete growing up. With over 30 states pushing bills to limit the rights of trans and intersex athletes today, its clear that this experience is all too common. Which begs the question—Are divisions in sports based on gender necessary? And will the Olympics ever truly welcome nonbinary athletes?

Why is the U.S. lagging behind on intersex rights?

Why is the U.S. lagging behind on intersex rights?

Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman uses her story to highlight why the U.S. must use legislation to delay nonconsensual genital surgeries on intersex children. Several countries—including Kenya, Malta, and Portugal—have protections in place for intersex people that prioritize informed consent. So why is the U.S. lagging behind?

Intersex Kids Are Getting Caught in the GOP’s War on Trans Health Care

Intersex Kids Are Getting Caught in the GOP’s War on Trans Health Care

More than 40 states in the U.S. have introduced bills that directly target trans kids and their ability to access both gender-affirming care and activities that align with their gender identity, such as sports. Many of these anti-trans bills also specify that nonconsensual genital surgeries performed on intersex kids are still allowed—leaving intersex youth caught in the war on trans rights.

Intersex advocates call Equality Act a 'tremendous step forward'

Intersex advocates call Equality Act a ‘tremendous step forward’

Alongside the ACLU and the Human Rights Campaign, interACT advocated for and ensured the inclusion of intersex people in the Equality Act, a bill that prohibits discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community. In its current iteration, the definition of sex refers to “sex characteristics, including intersex traits”—explicitly stating the need of protection for the intersex community.

Biden’s LGBTQ+ Efforts Disregard the 'I'

Biden’s LGBTQ+ Efforts Disregard the ‘I’

Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman and Director of Law & Policy Alesdair Ittelson call upon the Biden administration to not forget about intersex people in the fight for LGBTQIA+ rights.

New bill could make California the first state to ban intersex surgeries for young children

New bill could make California the first state to ban intersex surgeries for young children

State Senator Scott Wiener introduces SB 225 in California—a bill that, if passed, would become the first law to delay pediatric intersex surgeries. SB 225 builds on a previous resolution in California, SCR 110, which calls for the equality and autonomy of intersex people. Though previous bills like SB 225 have failed Wiener ensures, “We’re committed to the issue.”

California Could Be First State to Ban Non-Consensual Surgeries on Intersex Babies

California Could Be First State to Ban Non-Consensual Surgeries on Intersex Babies

SB 225, a bill introduced by State Senator Scott Wiener, aims to delay nonconsensual surgeries on intersex infants until they can decide for themselves whether they want surgery or not. interACT’s Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman states that after two children’s hospitals in the U.S. have committed to ending intersex surgery, “It’s California’s time to shine.”

California bill would ban intersex surgery for young kids

California bill would ban intersex surgery for young kids

State Senator Scott Wiener introduces a bill that aims to delay nonconsensual genital surgeries on intersex infants. “If this bill was passed, it would be significant in setting a precedent across the country,” says Kimberly Zieselman, Executive Director at interACT.

Joe and Kamala: Don't Leave Intersex People Behind

Joe and Kamala: Don’t Leave Intersex People Behind

interACT’s Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman calls upon the Biden-Harris administration to not leave intersex people out of vitally important civil rights discussions moving forward.

Protecting Intersex Children

Protecting Intersex Children

Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman shares with Jenny Johnson the challenges that intersex youth so often face and the ways in which intersex youth can be better supported.

Massachusetts Shows Us What We Must Do Next for Intersex Rights

Massachusetts Shows Us What We Must Do Next for Intersex Rights

Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman shares her story and applauds the most recent stride in the fight for intersex rights—the Massachusetts Medical Society adopting policies that defer medical and surgical intervention until the intersex child in question can participate in the decision making for those interventions.

Medically Necessary Or 'Cruel'? Inside The Battle Over Surgery On Intersex Babies

Medically Necessary Or ‘Cruel’? Inside The Battle Over Surgery On Intersex Babies

Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman and intersex activist Tatenda Ngwaru recount the trauma that they have experienced growing up intersex, and why advocating for intersex youth is so crucial. Ngwaru reinforces, “Intersex people can grow up without surgery and be happy and healthy.”

Parents Affirm Their Intersex Child's Autonomy On CNN’s Front Page

Parents Affirm Their Intersex Child’s Autonomy On CNN’s Front Page

interACT Board member and parent Eric Lohman and parent Stephani Lohman made the front page of affirming their intersex child and questioning doctors’ push for elective genital surgery. The Lohman family faced pressure from doctors to perform a clitoral reduction and vaginoplasty on their infant. They realized these complex procedures had to be their daughter’s own decision.

interACT Youth Shape Sci-fi Graphic Novel

interACT Youth Shape Sci-fi Graphic Novel

interACT Youth participate in sensitivity reading projects to ensure that intersex characters are portrayed sensitively and accurately. Radify is a sci-fi graphic novel with an intersex protagonist. Multiple youth members consulted on the project.

Pulaski, Polish Hero of the Revolutionary War, Was Most Likely Intersex

Pulaski, Polish Hero of the Revolutionary War, Was Most Likely Intersex

Intersex people have always existed. General Pulaski may have had an intersex variation called Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. interACT comments for the New York Times.

How to Support A Groundbreaking Bill for Intersex Rights

How to Support A Groundbreaking Bill for Intersex Rights

interACT Communications Director and Youth member Hans Lindahl writes analysis of SB 201 and its opposition for OUT, to encourage LGBTQA+ allies to support the “I.”

California Lawmakers Will Consider Banning Cosmetic Genital Surgery on Intersex Children

California Lawmakers Will Consider Banning Cosmetic Genital Surgery on Intersex Children

The LA Times interviews interACT Youth members and Californians Alice and River on their stories, and why the community supports SB 201, a bill for intersex bodily autonomy.

interACT Youth Weigh in on Connecticut’s 2019 Intersex Legislation

interACT Youth Weigh in on Connecticut’s 2019 Intersex Legislation

interACT Youth member Sarah Kosheff appears on Connecticut local news to discuss the state’s intersex-affirming legislation.

interACT’s Executive Director Addresses Urologist Defending Intersex Surgeries on KPCC AirTalk

interACT’s Executive Director Addresses Urologist Defending Intersex Surgeries on KPCC AirTalk

Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman explains California’s SB 201, a bill to affirm intersex bodily autonomy, on air with California Medical Association president-elect and opposing urologist Dr. Peter Bretan.

BBC Documentary Series Covers Issue of Intersex Surgeries Around the World

BBC Documentary Series Covers Issue of Intersex Surgeries Around the World

The BBC’s Megha Mohan dives deep into intersex issues around the globe, beginning with the work of Intersex Kenya, and interACT Board member Eric Lohman’s family.

Youth Member Discovers She is Intersex By Watching interACT’s Buzzfeed Video

Youth Member Discovers She is Intersex By Watching interACT’s Buzzfeed Video

interACT Youth member and co-founder of Intersex Russia shares the story of how interACT’s 2015 Buzzfeed video changed her life.

Intersex People #WontBeErased, Support Their Trans Friends

Intersex People #WontBeErased, Support Their Trans Friends

interACT joined forces with top transgender advocacy organizations to speak up about the Trump administration’s 2018 proposed definitions of sex and gender. These policies endanger intersex youth, and we #WontBeErased.

Intersex People Deserve Proper Healthcare — So We Created a Hospital Policy Guide

Intersex People Deserve Proper Healthcare — So We Created a Hospital Policy Guide

interACT Communications Director and Youth member Hans Lindahl recounts her intersex medical experiences to explain the urgent need for intersex-affirming hospital policies. interACT released the groundbreaking guide, ‘Providing Ethical and Compassionate Health Care to Intersex Patients,’ with Lambda Legal in fall 2018.

 'You can't undo surgery': More parents of intersex babies are rejecting operations - NBC News

‘You can’t undo surgery’: More parents of intersex babies are rejecting operations

interACT Board member Kristina Turner, along with her child, preteen intersex activist Ori, discuss their lives after rejecting elective intersex surgeries with NBC. interACT Youth Program Manager Amanda Saenz weighs in on their life experiences and work.

California Is the First State to Condemn Intersex Genital Mutilation

California Is the First State to Condemn Intersex Genital Mutilation

“By passing SCR-110 the state of CA is sending a strong message of support for intersex young people and their right to make decisions about their own bodies and identities,” said Kimberly Zieselman, executive director of interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth, to Teen Vogue.

California Just Became the First State to Pass Legislation Supporting Intersex Rights

California Just Became the First State to Pass Legislation Supporting Intersex Rights

interACT Director of Communications and Outreach Hans Lindahl penned this piece for them. Lindahl states, “Despite medical groups sending their top lobbyists to oppose the resolution, and all the odds against us, we won. SCR-110 is a concrete first step toward policy that honors the human rights of intersex people. This is a warning to the medical patriarchy that threatens intersex and LGBTQ+ health: We’re just getting started.”

California becomes first state to condemn intersex surgeries on children

California becomes first state to condemn intersex surgeries on children

Alesdair Ittelson, director of law and policy for interACT  is quotes in the article saying, “We don’t condone female genital mutilation, nor should we condone the medically unnecessary, deeply harmful interventions like clitoral reductions and sterilizations that constitute intersex genital mutilation,” Ittelson said. “This is an issue that transcends party lines because it is easy to understand the basic humanity of these vulnerable children.”

Intersex People Want to End Nonconsensual Surgeries. A California Resolution Is Their ‘Warning Shot.’

Intersex People Want to End Nonconsensual Surgeries. A California Resolution Is Their ‘Warning Shot.’

interACT worked closely with reporter Amy Littlefield on this thorough, holistic piece on the North American intersex movement. The article centers around interACT’s California resolution SCR-110.

Intersex kids are subjected to dangerous surgeries. California is poised to stop it.

Intersex kids are subjected to dangerous surgeries. California is poised to stop it.

Think Progress interviewed interACT Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman for this article about California being poised to become the first state to effectively condemn intersex surgeries on children without their knowledge or informed consent.

We Need to End Intersex Erasure in Queer Communities

We Need to End Intersex Erasure in Queer Communities

This article written by interACT’s Director of Communications and Outreach, Hans Lindahl, shares what non-intersex LGBTQ+ people and allies can do to support intersex people. Lindahl states, “We desperately need room in queer spaces to explore, to heal, and to self-identify.”

“I’m Maria… I Happen To Like Girls. I Happen To Be Intersex.”

“I’m Maria… I Happen To Like Girls. I Happen To Be Intersex.”

This video of interACT of member Maria Tridas was a collaboration between interact and imfromdriftwood. In the video Maria states, “Once you educate yourself about what it means to be intersex, you realize that it kind of relates to the larger picture of the world and that everything is so diverse and that humans are diverse, gender is diverse, it’s all on a spectrum. When you give yourself the knowledge about who you are at your core, it allows you to build your outer shell, that person that you are presenting to the world in the most beautiful, honest and confident way.”

Cleave, a Play About an Intersex Teenager

Cleave tells the story of Aaron, an intersex teenager, who meets a family that has its share of secrets.  A funny and challenging script, the play is sure to spark conversation and reflection. interACT consulted with playwright Elena Belyea and Tiny Bear Jaws on the script to develop Aaron’s character. Tickets can be found here through April 2018.

Intersex: When a baby isn’t quite boy or girl

Intersex: When a baby isn’t quite boy or girl

This article shares a family’s story of raising an intersex child. Eric Lohman, an interACT Board Member and father to an intersex daughter Rosie who was born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).  In the article Eric shares, ” One after another, the experts shared their opinions on Rosie’s condition. The urologist recommended two surgeries for Rosie before she was six months old: one to create a vaginal opening and another to reduce the size of her clitoris. The social worker piped in and advised the couple not to tell their other children, two of whom were teenagers, that Rosie was intersex. ”

Here are the 7 biggest intersex myths busted

Here are the 7 biggest intersex myths busted

Large LGBT organizations don’t cover intersex issues, but there is also need for visibility, and to change those hearts and minds. Gay Star News includes intersex in their coverage, as they believe in covering every sex and gender minority. This article addresses some of the many misconceptions about being intersex and acknowledges that the reason there are so many myths is that very few people outside of the intersex community know what intersex actually is. To help bust these myths, Gay Star News spoke with Kimberly Zeizelman, attorney, advocate and executive director of interACT and used interACT Youth media content to set the record straight.

Intersex Children Don’t Need Fixing

In this video, director of interACT Kimberly Zieselman shares her story and explains why visibility matters for intersex people and their families. She explains why interACT doesn’t just work on changing laws or medical policies—it also focuses on changing the media.

interACT is a grantee of the Open Society Foundations. At Open Society is a video series highlighting the people and ideas that are inspiring our work—and changing the world.

In the intersex community, we’re desperate for quality care. Doctors aren’t listening

In the intersex community, we’re desperate for quality care. Doctors aren’t listening

interACT Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman explains why intersex rights advocates like herself are fighting to stop unnecessary and irreversible surgeries on healthy intersex kids too young to consent to them. In this article, she expresses that just because intersex rights advocates want doctors to delay unnecessary surgery on children doesn’t mean they don’t want more specialized intersex care. “What intersex people want from the medical community is for physicians to listen to us. We’ve been critical of medical practice, but we’re not the enemy, and we need your help to fix the legacy of marginalization that leaves many intersex adults with unmet health care needs,” states Zieselman.

What It’s Like To Be Intersex In Russia: “My Doctors Never Explained Anything Honestly To Me”

What It’s Like To Be Intersex In Russia: “My Doctors Never Explained Anything Honestly To Me”

A Russian youth discovered she was intersex after watching interACT’s BuzzFeed video “What It’s Like To Be Intersex” Since learning the truth, she’s become a champion for the intersex community both in Russia and globally. interACT Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman was quoted in this article by Logo’s New Now Next, “We’re not against surgery for people who opt to have it,” Zieselman says. “We’re just saying that unless surgery is medically necessary, we should let these children grow up with whatever healthy genital tissue they’re born with, and let them make that decision for themselves when they’re older.”

The Intersex Rights Movement Is Ready For Its Moment

The Intersex Rights Movement Is Ready For Its Moment

interACT worked with The Washington Posts for many months on this article that highlights several of our youth members.  The article states, “Instead of talking about intersex people as medical subjects, they are speaking the language of identity, human rights and pride. They want doctors, parents and society at large to take a less rigid approach to sexual identity — and especially to reconsider the assumption that, to identify as a man or a woman, a person needs the gonads, genitals and chromosomes to match.”

I was an intersex child who had surgery. Don

I was an intersex child who had surgery. Don’t put other kids through this.

interACT Executive Director, Kimberly Zieselman wrote an opinion piece in USA Today advocating for the end of unnecessary intersex procedures. “It’s not time for more data collection or dialogue; it’s time for these surgeries to stop.”

Hanne Gaby Odiele Explains How She Found Out She Is Intersex

Hanne Gaby Odiele Explains How She Found Out She Is Intersex

In a video for Teen Vogue made with intersex youth advocacy organization InterACT, Hanne explains what being intersex means, and the journey she went through.

Why Intersex Genital Mutilation Needs to Stop

Why Intersex Genital Mutilation Needs to Stop

interACT consulted on this video by Teen Vogue that features three interACT Youth members: Hanne Gaby Odiele, Emily Quinn and Pidgeon Pagonis.  They talk about the human rights issue of intersex people across the world being subjected to genital surgery that aren’t needed or consensual. They share how these surgeries cause trauma and perpetuate the unnecessary shame and stigma associated with being intersex.

Model Hanne Gaby Odiele on Coming Out as Intersex:

Model Hanne Gaby Odiele on Coming Out as Intersex: ‘Sharing My Story Has Made Me Stronger’

Hanne was featured in this article by Glamour that focuses on the strength she has gained through sharing her story. The article states, “Odiele wasn’t angry; she wasn’t self-shaming. She talks about intersex in a way that was just another kind of “normal,” and in doing so she is helping others come forward.”

[fusion_menu_anchor name=”hanne” /]

Model Hanne Gaby Odiele reveals she is intersex

USA Today Exclusive Interview

In an effort to be true to herself and spotlight an often invisible human rights issue, internationally acclaimed fashion model Hanne Gaby Odiele announced in an exclusive interview that she is intersex and will advocate for intersex bodily autonomy alongside interACT Advocates for Intersex Youth.

Model Hanne Gaby Odiele on What It Means to Be Intersex—And Why She’s Going Public

Vogue Interview

The article states, “In the new landscape of sex and gender—in a world where trans and gay rights have made incredible strides—intersex is perhaps the last taboo. Odiele’s decision to go public, to fully disclose the details of the body she was born with, and to become a spokesperson and advocate for the intersex community, is an act of enormous courage.”

A supermodel reveals she is intersex, was subjected to ‘traumatizing’ and ‘unnecessary’ surgeries

The Washington Post Interview

Both Hanne and interACT Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman were interviewed for this piece in The Washington Post. In the article, Hanne states, “One of her most cherished reactions, she said, was that of her mother, who called her after watching the videos. She told her daughter it felt like weights had been lifted from her own shoulders.”

How a Top Model Also Became an Intersex Activist

How a Top Model Also Became an Intersex Activist

This New York Times article explores Hanne’s decision to become an intersex activist and advocate for intersex youth.  “Hanne is making people aware of intersex, in a way that’s like what Caitlyn Jenner did for the trans movement,” said Elizabeth Reis, author of “Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex.”

A famous model speaks out, what is it like being intersex?

BBC Worldwide Interview

interACT Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman along with Holly Greenberry from Intersex UK and Kitty Anderson from Intersex Iceland were all interviewed for this podcast on BBC Worldwide. The intersex segment begins at 37:00.

Hanne Gaby Odiele is the world

Hanne Gaby Odiele is the world’s first intersex supermodel

This article in Time Magazine states Hanne’s acknowledgment of being intersex is a milestone for the movement and quotes interACT Executive Director Kimberly Zieselman. “She’s the most high-profile person to ever disclose her intersex status, so this was so brave and it’s really going to be historic,” she says. “She’s going from supermodel to role model.” The article also includes a video featuring Hanne as “A Next Generation Leader.”

Intersex Youth Poised to Complicate School Bathroom Battle

Intersex Youth Poised to Complicate School Bathroom Battle

interACT youth member, Ellie was the focus of this NBC News article about how intersex youth are affected by the school bathroom battle. interACT Deputy Legal Director Alesdair Ittelson, was quoted in the article saying, “A bill segregating folks based on biological sex inadvertently targets and demeans those born with intersex traits as well.”

Should We

Should We ‘Fix’ Intersex Children?

interACT consulted with The Atlantic on this article spotlighting the parents of an intersex child involved in the landmark lawsuit against the hospitals and doctors who treated their child. interACT also arranged for The Atlantic to meet with other members of the intersex community.

2017 Pride Video

2017 Pride Video

interACT consulted on the narrative voice and interpretive dance moves depicting “Intersex” used in this 2017 Pride video produced by the Wieden & Kennedy ad agency for The Center in NYC.

Normalizing Intersex

interACT consulted on the publication of “Normalizing Intersex” – a special edition of the Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics Journal published in partnership with the the Voices project.

Good Housekeeping Intersex Stories Falling in Between: Inside the Lives of Intersex Women

Good Housekeeping

interACT consulted with Good Housekeeping and provided them with several women to interview for the article titled “Falling In Between: Inside the Lives of Intersex Women.”  The article explores What happens when you’re born with the genes of one gender and the body of the other — or somewhere in the middle?

Logo’s Global Ally campaign

Logo’s Global Ally Campaign

Logo’s Global Ally campaign invited interACT to participate in the creation of an intersex page for their website. One of our interACT youth members, Axel Keeting, was featured in a video explaining intersex issues.

Salt Lake Tribune Op-Ed: We are intersex people, and we don’t need to be ‘fixed’ by surgeries

Salt Lake Tribune Op-ed

interACT Youth Coordinator Emily Quinn wrote a brilliant Op-ed for the Salt Lake Tribune titled “We are intersex people, and we don’t need to be ‘fixed’ by surgeries.”

UN Free & Equal Intersex Awareness

United Nations Free & Equal: Intersex Awareness

The United Nations is calling on governments and parents to protect intersex children from harm. On Intersex Awareness Day 2016, they launched an Intersex Awareness campaign that featured interACT staff, board and youth members.

Fox News on air apology to interACT youth

Fox News Apology

Outraged when Fox News reported Facebook’s new user identity options including intersex, which an anchor mocked on air saying, “whatever that means,” some interACT Youth sent an open letter to Fox News after which the same news anchor comment apologized on air.

This Is What It’s Like To Discover You’re Intersex As A Teen

Two of our youth shared their stories with MTV News in honor of Intersex Awareness Day.

MTV’s Look Different: What’s it like to be intersex?

We connected MTV with one of our youth for this interview on what it is like to be intersex.

cover of Boston Pride Guide

Intersex Article in Boston Pride Guide

interACT Executive Director, Kimberly Zieselman wrote an article for the Boston Pride Guide that covered many topics including how the LGBTQA community and intersex global rights movement are battling some of the same societal constraints associated with not fitting into narrow understandings about bodies and identities.

The Dr. Phil Show

Provided consult and an intersex expert for the November 30, 2015 Episode of The Dr. Phil Show.

Everyday Feminism

Our youth worked with them to create a fantastic article published in March 2015 that shared “9 Ways Intersex Youth Want You to Support Them.

MTV Intersex Awareness Day Video

One of our youth shared her story with MTV for this Intersex Awareness Day animated piece.

ABC Nightline

ABC Nightline

Worked for months with Nightline ABC on the production of Intersex Children: Journey Between Genders

Oxford University Press

What is Intersex? FAQ written by InterACT Youth members was selected for publication in the Intersex Lives Chapter of Queer: A Reader for Writers, a college writing textbook published by Oxford University Press.

36 Revolutions of Change | Sean Saifa Wall | TEDxGrandRapids | Intersex


Provided consult and an intersex speaker for the 2015 Tedx Grand Rapids, MI.

Amanda Saenz (interACT Youth Member) , Bailey De Young (MTV

MTV Faking It

interACT provided consult for development of teen intersex character “Lauren Cooper” in Faking it season two and three, educated cast and crew about intersex, and regularly consulted producer and writers on scripts and story development. Our Youth Coordinator, Emily Q. was featured in a video with Bailey De Young.

interACT on BuzzFeed - What it


Worked with Buzzfeed to create the “What it’s like to be interex” video with over 2 million views. The video has been used in workshops and trainings across the globe including the United Nations.

I.W. Gregorio None of the Above - Intersex book

None of the Above

Consulted with author I.W. Gregorio on the development of the young adult novel, None of the Above, whose main protagonist is an intersex teen.

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